--Tell Seker al-Aheimar, Syria (2000-)

Excavations of the Neolithic site of Tell Seker al-Aheimar, Northeast Syria is in progress. (Under construction)

--Tell Kosak Shamali, Syria (1994-1999)

The excavations at Tell Kosak Shamali, North Syria, were carried out as part of the Euphrates dam salvage archaeology project. Well-preserved pottery workshops of the Ubaid and Post-Ubaid periods were among the important discoveries.



Tell Seker al-Aheimar, Syria

LYONNET, B. (ed.) 2000 Prospection Archéologique du Haut-Khabur Occidental (Syrie du N.E.), Volume I. Beyrouth: Bibliothéque Archéologique et Historique.

LYONNET, B., M.-A. COURTY and Y. NISHIAKI 1998 Mission de prospection geoarchéologique dans le haut-Khabur. Chronique Archéologique en Syrie 1: 100-101.

NISHIAKI, Y. 1992 Preliminary results of the prehistoric survey in the Khabur basin, Northeast Syria: 1990-1991 seasons. Paléorient 18(1): 97-102.
---------------- 1996 Prehistoric human occupations in the Khabur basin, Syria. The International Colloquium on The Syrian Djezireh: Cultural Heritage and Interrelations, edited by S. Muhesen, pp.25-26. Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums, Damascus.
---------------- 2000 The Palaeolithic and Neolithic industries from the prehistoric survey in the Khabur basin. In: LYONNET, B. (ed.), pp.77-124. Beyrouth: Bibliothéque Archéologique et Historique.
---------------- 2001a Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Upper Khabur, Syria: the 2000 season. Orient Express - Notes et Nouvelles d'Archéologie Orientale 2001(2): 35-37.
---------------- 2001b The PPN/PN settlement of Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Upper Khabur, Syria: the 2001 season. Neo-Lithics 2/01: 8-10.
---------------- 2002 Excavations at the Pre-Pottery to Pottery Neolithic settlement of Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the Khabur basin, Syria. Abstract of the Third International Congress on the Archaeology of Near East held at Paris.

Tell Kosak Shamali, Syria

AKAHORI, M. 2001 The socio-historical setting of Kosak Shamali: a field report from a modern village on the Euphrates, Syria. In: NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.), pp.41-48.

FAURA, J.-M. and M. LE MIÈRE 1999 La céramique Néolithique du haut Euphrate Syrien. In: Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates, the Tishreen Dam Area, edited by G. del Omo Lete and J.-L. Montero Fenollos, pp. 281-299. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.

KOIZUMI, T. and H. SUDO 2001 The stratigraphy and architectures of Sector B of Tell Kosak Shamali. In: NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.), pp.115-152.

MATSUTANI, T. and Y. NISHIAKI 1995 Preliminary report on the archaeological investigations at Tell Kosak Shamali, the Upper Euphrates, Syria: The 1994 season. Akkadica 93: 11-20.

LE MIéRE, M. 2001 The Neolithic pottery from Tell Kosak Shamali. In: NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.), pp.179-211.

NISHIAKI, Y. 1996 Japanese research on the Near Eastern Neolithic, 1995. Neo-Lithics 2/95: 4-5.
---------------- 1998 Tell Kosak Shamali 1997. Chronique Archéologique en Syrie 2: 143-148.
---------------- 1999 Tell Kosak Shamali: Preliminary Report on the Excavations (1994-1997). In: Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates, the Tishreen Dam Area, edited by G. del Omo Lete and J.-L. Montero Fenollós, pp. 71-82. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.
---------------- 2000 An Ubaidian burnt building from Tell Kosak Shamali, North Syria. Proceedings of The First International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, edited by P. Matthiae, A. Enea, L Peyronel and F. Pinnock, pp. 1213-1223. Rome: University of Rome.
---------------- 2001a Radiocarbon dates and the absolute chronology of Tell Kosak Shamali. In: NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.), pp.153-157.
---------------- 2001b The Palaeolithic artifacts from Tell Kosak Shamali. In: Ibid., pp.165-178.
---------------- 2001c The Neolithic flaked stone artifacts from Tell Kosak Shamali. In: Ibid., pp.213-223.
---------------- 2001d Conclusions. In: Ibid., pp.231-233.
---------------- 2001e The Halaf-Ubaid transitional lithic industry from Tell Kosak Shamali, North Syria. Abstract of the 5th Millennium Colloquium held at Liverpool.
2001f Hafting systems of sickle elements from the Chalcolithic levels of Telul eth-Thalathat II, Iraq. In: Beyond Tools: Redefining the PPN Lithic Assemblages of the Levant, edited by I. Caneva, C. Lemorini, D. Zampetti and P. Biagi, pp. 55-72. Berlin: ex oriente.

NISHIAKI, Y., T. KOIZUMI, M. LE MIéRE and T. OGUCHI 1999 Prehistoric occupations at Tell Kosak Shamali, the Upper Euphrates, Syria. Akkadica 113: 13-68.

NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.) 2001 Tell Kosak Shamali - The Archaeological Investigations on the Upper Euphrates, Syria. Volume I: Chalcolithic Architecture and the Earlier Prehistoric Remains. UMUT Monograph 1. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

NISHIAKI, Y., H. SUDO and S. KADOWAKI 2001 The other Neolithic artifacts from Tell Kosak Shamali. In: NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.), pp.225-230.

NISHIAKI, Y., M. TAO, S. KADOWAKI, M. ABE and H. TANO 2001 Excavations in Sector A of Tell Kosak Shamali: The stratigraphy and architectures. In: NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.), pp.225-230.

OGUCHI, T. 2001 Geomorphological and environmental settings of Tell Kosak Shamali, Syria. In: NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.), pp.19-38.

OGUCHI, T., F. DUAN, L. BELMONT and H.-L. HE 2001 Cartographic representation and data analyses using digital elevation models. In: NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.), pp.39-40.

YOSHIDA, K. and Y. MIYAZAKI 2001 Methods of radiocarbon dating at Tell Kosak Shamali. In: NISHIAKI, Y. and T. MATSUTANI (eds.), pp.158-163.

WILLCOX, G. 2001



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